The magazine “ACAMPAR” is the Official Information Magazine of the Clube de Campismo do Porto.
It’s a quarterly publication, in digital format (PDF), and two of the four annual editions are also published on paper.
Its distribution is made by MAIL, being sent to Club Members, to many other Camping Clubs, and also to many different Official Entities.
The Director is appointed by the Club Board, and all published work is the sole responsibility of the authors, who are always identified.
The Club Board is responsible for publishing four pages in each issue, which texts are usually informative.
After a 7 year break, ACAMPAR is published again in 2021, and this is number 1, of the 6th Series.
When you click on the thumbnails of the covers you see on the portuguese version of this page, a new tab opens, with the complete PDF of the magazine.
You can, just read it, or if you want, download it, to read later, or collect the all magazines. Since 2004!
Find them all on the Portuguese version page.